The Jetsons are here!
12 Oct 2015 SimonIt’s taken thirty years, but we’ve finally achieved the dream of many children of the 1980s – people are living like the family in The Jetsons, the cartoon set in the future where everyone whizzed around in flying cars and there were gadgets for everything. Well, nearly.
How close are we to driving flying cars? Actually not that far… Software
engineer Thorstin Crijns is having a go with the Quadro UAS, a drone that at the moment can only carry a person for ten seconds. His aim is “to create a fully autonomous quadcopter that can transport people without any human intervention” – in other words, for people to be able to summon a drone to take them where they want without them having to do anything other than sit back.
An Uber for the drone world, if you will.
As for anyone hoping to test Thorstin’s drone – we suggest you check his drone insurance policy first. And don’t plan any long journeys just yet!